Screen Printing

Screen Printing in Myrtle Beach

When you are looking for the best screen printer in Myrtle Beach call SurfWater Promotions. We have been servicing local businesses, schools, organizations, as well as churches with screen printing for many years. 

Using industry standard equipment and inks to handle any level of job, SurfWater Promotions is committed to top quality, affordable, screen printing for the Myrtle Beach area. You can count on us to be with you throughout the entire process. 

Below you will find all of the information you need to guide you in placing your custom screen print order with SurfWater Promotions, including: Equipment, Screen Printing Inks, Printing Methods, Artwork and File Formats. Be sure to check out our FAQ section as a great reference to help answer any questions you might have.

For more info on preparing your artwork for screen printing, view our Art Standards & Guidelines section.

Screen Printing Equipment, Inks & Methods

Equipment: 4 Automatic screen-printing presses: M &R 8 color gauntlet, M & R 12 and 14 color Challengers. Brother GT-540 direct to garment printer.

Inks: Plastisol, water base, 4 color process provided by Rutland using our M2 system.

Print Methods: Spot, Simulated, 4 color process, Foil, Glitter, Soft Hand, High Density, Discharge, and all the Latest Techniques.

Software: Using I-Punch we can digitize and edit existing design in-house.

The Questions?

Address: 9629 Scipio Lane Myrtle Beach, SC 29588

Phone: 843-215-6123 (Option 1)

Kay Lackey, Account Manager
Email: Kay Lackey
Starr Schafer, Sales
Email: Sales

Angelia Ogburn, Sales
Email: Sales

Kelly McDowell, Production manager
Email: Customer Service

Denny Green, Art Director
Email: Art Director
Jennifer Cantor, Operations Manager Email: Operations Manager

Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

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