
The experts at SurfSigns will work with you to design the perfect sign for your business. We work within your budget to meet and exceed your expectations. Choose from our many shapes, sizes, colors, materials, type styles or special features. We take pride in our wide range of custom products and services.

Your custom sign will be made on time and to your complete satisfaction.

Custom Signs from SurfSigns

We can design and produce custom signs of all sizes; from yard signs to back lit storefront building signs, whatever you need.

Trust the professionals at SurfSigns in Myrtle Beach for a winning solution. With a quality sign you can increase traffic to your business as well as stand out from the crowd.

The Questions?

Address: 9629 Scipio Lane Myrtle Beach, SC 29588

Phone: 843-215-6123 (Option 2)

Ashleigh Justice, Customer Service
Email: Customer Service

Shane Plemmons, Production Manager
Email: Surfsigns


Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
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